News: Gundam Battle Operation Screenshot and Fixes Update
Posted on : 18-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Following the new promo for Gundam Battle Operation, we now have a new update with some new screenshots as well as the slew of fixes on account of the recent closed beta. One of the most important of these obviously being the improving of the game’s netcode in order to reduce lag. On top of this there are all manner of gameplay tweaks and balances mention, with the slightly floppy grapple being firmed up and more immediate being notable. Despite being free to play, they’re really making an effort to make the game more palatable to its (Japanese) audience, as well as openly communicate that. That in itself is reassuring. Still no word of the game’s release date though, bar sometime at the end of June.

Positively looking forward to this game.