News: Gundam Battle Operation Reaches 1 Million Downloads
Posted on : 12-03-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
So in less than two years, the freemium Gundam Battle Operation has now reached 1 million downloads. Most of these gamers being middle aged guys apparently, which is actually different for other games and aspects of the Gundam franchise (as in Japan it’s about a 50/50 split between men and women). That aside, we’ve played this again since we got back to Japan and it does play better, as the crazy amazing net connections here mean you don’t suffer from lag or the horrible framerate issues I saw when I played it in the UK. It’s still pretty awful though. Anyway, a million downloads. Wooo!

“crazy amazing”. Maybe Japan-to-Japan connections but as it stands their internet is pretty medicore. It’s only amazing when you’re connecting from one city to the next and that doesn’t require much to be amazing, now does it?
I get download speeds of around 30+Mbps, compared to a fraction of that in the UK and the States (seriously US internet speeds are terrible). Basically online games work like a dream here compared to what I’ve experienced in the West.
East coast is around 30MBps, Holland is starting to have around 40MBps by default with affordable packages featuring 200MBps popping up here and there.
I’m talking about actual speeds not advertised. The number of times that companies advertise certain speeds and deliver a fraction of that is too often to count. The other issue, of course, is that because the majority of people playing the game are in Japan the ping and subsequent lag is a lot less too. In any case, it’s widely known that America has some of the worst internet speeds in the world –
regarding lag: It’s not so bad when you use a better wi-fi antennae than the one built into PS3s . Ive been more devoted to playing this game for 2 years than any game I ever bought . The biggest gripe is the community in Japan discourages this game’s growth with elitest attitudes towards newcomers , to the point that no one using “free” items can ever play. The current campaign WELCOME BACK is symptomatic of the diminishing amount of players . It’s still fun , and Bandai tries to keep it fresh with additional MS, including the Pale Rider from the Side Stories game , and consistent re-balancing . But as I said , the players hosting are killing the game by intolerance for any non paid suits.
Yeah, it’s pretty doable if you do LAN too. But melee is still… iffy.