News: Gundam Battle Operation Closed Beta Reports
Posted on : 03-04-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Both 4Gamer and Famitsu have posted their reports of the recent and now finished closed beta on Gundam Battle Operation. Despite a reassuringly good time had by all, it sounds like the game will need some further balancing work. Mainly because both sites openly state that the moment the MS-07B Gouf came on the scene, much fraping of the Feddie forces did ensue. However, on foot human players were also able to make a difference as blowing up an enemy’s base was in some ways easier on foot. In addition, 4Gamer made a big point of citing how similar the game looks and feels to Gundam Senki 0081. This is very much a good thing. Still no precise details on the game’s release date, bar sometime this June, but by all accounts the game could end up being actually quite decent.

Banking on a US release. I gotta find a way to play it here 😀
1.Make japanese PSN account
2.Download this Free to Play Game when it is released
A Gouf wrecks Feddie suits? That sounds pretty balanced to me. 😛