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News: Gaia Gundam to be added to Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost

Posted on : 24-05-2013 | By : | In : News




The ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam will be the next playable unit added to Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost on May 28th in arcades all over Japan. The Gaia Gundam, piloted by Stellar Loussier, is a 2000 cost unit and will be able to switch into its Mobile Armor mode at will. Gaia can also call in Chaos Gundam and Abyss Gundam as assists with different attacks depending on what mode the player is using. No official video has been released yet, but check out the CPU Gaia Gundam in action in the video below!


Comments (6)

On the other note, looks like June’s update is…double Kapool?

Thanks for the links. Some cool updates. Kapool looks even cooler than I had expected (I did expect great things from Corin Nander of course).

Oh, yes. Kapool has become a new favorite addition to the game for me. Along with the Gaia, it makes me wonder how the future updates will add new aspects to make units interesting and fun. Like the G-Fighter, Superior Gundam, and AGE-1

I can tell by your name that you’re a Turn A fan like me, so I totally understand the love for the new Kapool. Also, the designers really stepped up their game on making unique fighters, with Kapool’s tag team system, to Arios and GN Archer’s duo fighting style. Nice to see its not all the same beam rifle and sword combos anymore.

I can’t imagine how G-Fighter will work, but I’m hoping it will have like 3 forms, each combing with Gundam in a different ways like in the original show. But I’m sure Superior Gundam will be all about the beam spam, though ZZ and Double X have the corner of the market on that (Not to mention SF).

Actually, I suspect the Superior will be a bit more tactical using the Incom to allow various different angles. I’m actually thinking something similar to the Zeong with an I-field and MA mode. And pretty solid melee.

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