News: G1 Transformers Still On Many People’s Minds
Posted on : 11-02-2010 | By : Fort90 | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
I honestly cannot think of another big robot franchise that has been as maligned, from top to bottom, as the Transformers. Despite how enormously popular and influential the toys and the cartoons were, primarily in the America, it’s legacy is practically non-existent for a number for reason, though the constant reboots, which has gotten progressively worse as the years have gone by, is near the top of that list. To the point that many old school Transformers fans resemble old school Star Wars fans; most have been forced to walk away, due to the disappointments and frustrations. BTW, if anyone feels different, please speak up! Anyhow, it’s at least comforting to know that some folks out there still crave the original designs, with the latest example stemming from last weekend’s Wonfes. What you see above is a quite excellent looking Metroplex garage kit that made a very low-key appearance over at Tomopop.
On a semi-related note, it’s been revealed that those who pre-order the latest Transformers title at GameStop, entitled War For Cybertron, will receive a special bonus character for those multiplayer matches. While not quite as popular as Soundwave, Shockwave still has his fans:
Unfortunately, the game’s makers had to once again fix what wasn’t broken, like so many others before them. As silly as it sounds, the one thing that made me instantly fall in love with the original show was how you had this big yellow robot from some foreign planet, light years way from Earth, that still somehow partly resembled a Volkswagen (and turned into a flying disc when in vehicle mode). And with Shockwave, a robot that never had to be assimilate to Earth standards, any tinkering with the design seems extra unnecessary. But perhaps this is a discussion for a later time?

Shockwave lost some weight! He needs to let Cosmos in on his secrets!
Doubt we will ever see a good Transformers game, I have no faith in this new game, I just know its going to fail, their has never been a good game ever in the whole franchise, which is what 30 years old now.
The franchise itself is on its knees with the latest bayformer movies, which designs look way more like aliens than alien robots.
I still cant bring myself to watch Transformers 2 again, ugh that movie.
I guess it would make for a good discussion on where the franchise should go after Transformers3 comes out ugh, although I duno if it could ever be what it was.
Really, the constant reboots are what keeps the brand strong. Transformers, unlike most of the other Big Robot Franchises, is marketed and catered to more towards kids than the “adult fan”-skewing videogame mecha stuff like Armored Core. Every three years or so, there’s a huge amount of new 8-to-12-year old kids, and the reboots are tailored towards what’s big in the boy’s toy scene at the moment.
It’s much easier to start up and wind down a new three-year-long incarnation using consistent character archetypes like Optimus Prime and Starscream (Hasbro realized that part when people didn’t like that they killed off everybody in the 1986 movie to make room for new toys) then it is to
need to constantly refer nine-year-old viewers to read comic book issues from seventeen years ago in order to understand why, exactly, Jhiaxus was tooling around cyberforming innocent planets to further the goals of the Cybertronian Empire. Your typical “Adult Collector” might look it up or ask on the Internet, the kid won’t.
That said, Hasbro does listen to the fandom somewhat. “Adult Collectors” make up maybe 10-15% of the market, enough to get catered towards a bit in the hopes of fanboy dollars, so we see maybe one or two new releases each year specifically tailored to be kid-suitable but make the online crowd swoon. Two years ago, it was a near-perfect Cyclonus, right now, a Bludgeon that’s a skeleton samurai that turns into a tank, they’ve just announced a toy for a Decepticon leader that only appeared in the comics for three issues in 1986.