News: Further Armored Core V Live Stream
Posted on : 31-05-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Another live stream event for Armored Core V will be happening on the 2nd June. Around an hour long it will also feature the opening CG cinematic for the game. Whilst we’ve already seen snippets of the CG movie from the (re)announcement trailer, it will be cool to see more of it finally. Especially as From Software have a pretty stellar track record when it comes to this kind of thing, with the opening cinematic for Armored Core Last Raven being one of our favourites.

You know, I’ve always like this franchise, I had the demo of the first game on the PSX which I played loads. But I’ve never been able to get into any of the subsequent games. I had Nine Breaker(I think), but I was just really bad at it. Then I got 4 Answer and I was also bad at that too. There’s just no jumping point for beginners in most of the sequels.
Do people think this new game will provide a better entry point for newbies?
Nope,AC is a game that you just have to slam your head into until you “get it”.
yeah, From don’t exactly make easily accessible games for newcomers 🙂 I mostly struggled through the previous generation titles on luck alone. This gen I did find For Answer to be easier to play though. I’ve always been a fan of laser rifle + blade, but after finishing and switching over to solid ammo I’m finding it much easier, and more enjoyable to play (I still refuse to move away from bipedal legs though).
I doubt V will be that much easier of an entry point, as they’ve got to cater towards their main fanbase. So I would just recommend the same thing i recommend for every AC title: experimentation, and lots of it!
Truth be told, i sucked at all the ACs on PS2.
With AC4, i hit a brick wall mid-game until i had an epiphany about how speed and locking ability were important.
AC duels were the real eye-opener, in my western vision mechas were big, heavily armored, clumsy, walking tanks. Now i favor light armored, fast, flying ACs. It gives me the same feeling as in Gran Tourismo, trying to find how to remove any dead weight.
I feel like apart from the speed, 4 and For Answer were easily the most newbie-friendly of the lot, what with fullscreen lockon and no heat meter. I was terrible at the PS1 and 2-generation games but managed to S Rank most of AC4.
I think it could be partly your playing style… you kind of need to build an AC that suits you, and at the same time adjust your playing style to the game system. (Also, don’t drive a melee AC unless you are [1] facing a very large enemy, or [2] hax.)
This one looks like it’ll be a bit more complicated than 4/FA, what with walljumping and stuff, so I doubt it would be more approachable… My advice is to stick with FA, tweak your control configuration and AC build until you find your comfort zone. Takes awhile, but there’s nothing quite like zipping around at supersonic speeds and pounding enemy things into scrap metal.
Definately a darker gritty opening. I was hoping for alil more though. Maybe cause I’m not a fan of tanks.
Opening CG