News: Even More Front Mission Evolved Screenshots
Posted on : 12-08-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
4Gamer have again got a nice new selection of screenshots for the upcoming Front Mission Evolved. It’s clear that the PR campaign is in its last desperate throes, as the game is released in September. From more angry characters, minus gratuitous bewbs, and surprisingly large mecha (though somewhat meagre when compared to Armored Core For Answer’s Arms Forts) there’s definitely lots of interesting and shiny content to peruse though.

i wasn’t surprised to see a giant fortified wanzer, they appeared in front mission 3 and 4.
screenshot from FF4
Surprising in the context of the coverage for FME up and till now. Compared to anything from Armored Core though, they are pretty small though.
One of my favorite missions in Front Mission 3 was an attack on a Chinese mobile land carrier, where one team had to disable the top of the thing as a second team infiltrated the insides. I’m not sure what the scale on that was, or if anything like that ever appeared in the other Front Mission games, but I’d love to see something like that in an explorable 3D environment.
agreed, i only caught a second of that walking gigantic wanzer in the tgs trailers.
i wonder how truly massive it is? looking at the panned screen shots it doesn’t look appear to be that big, but as you get closer to it the wanzers seem minuscule.
I like how you make FME sound like a wounded beast thrashing about before its inevitable demise come launch day. I so have a bad feeling about this game, please prove me wrong Double Helix!
Sigh, if this game sucks I’m definitely going to write Square Enix an angry letter. I’ll do it this time! I mean it!
Okay, okay, I’m over-reacting. I won’t write an angry letter, just politely note my disappointment.
I hope this front mission game will be released in the US
Check around the NA release date is September 28th.