News: Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 English Release Date
Posted on : 24-05-2011 | By : Tollmaster | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Good news: it seems that English speakers are getting an actual Gundam game localized overseas, even if it’s decidedly the least ‘mecha’ of the Gundam games, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3. The US site gives the release date as June 28th 2011, and Europe gets it a few days later, on July 1st 2011.
Needless to say, fans of pressing the X and Y buttons for hours on end will be chomping at the bit to play this, but despite the repetitive gameplay of the first two games I also have to admit that I have 200 hours of play time split between them. The third installment doesn’t seem to change the formula so it’s hard to recommend it, but the Dynasty Warriors series is as long-lived as it is for a reason; sometimes you don’t need the depth of Armored Core, but just want to hammer away at 1,000 Zakus for fifteen minutes, or play something split-screen with a friend without them needing a half-hour tutorial. And, unfortunately, mecha fans don’t exactly have much to pick from in terms of Gundam games in English, and being able to take part in the epic finale to Zeta Gundam is often worth suffering through occasionally mindless gameplay.
The English trailer shows off the new cel-shaded graphics, and seeing the Turn A Gundam again–now accompanied by the absolutely godlike Kapools–does my metallic robot heart some good.

I have never played something SO REVOLTINGLY mindless as DW. It’s amazing how little you get out of spending so much time button bashing the triangle button on your PS3 controller.
LITERALLY. I mean, video games aren’t supposed to be productive or anything, but this is just MIND NUMBING.
Out of my worst PS3 games in my collection, I got a bit farther in this than in FF13. Close though, and I believe that says enough.
HeatPhoenix out.
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam won’t change your mind about the DW formula, but I’ve never gotten into any of the other Dynasty Warriors games, and it’s not just the option of playing as crossdressing Loran Cehack that makes DW: G worth it to me. The boost function attached to the mobile suits not only speeds up the gameplay considerably, but offers you a lot more in the way of tactical options. For me, the boost adds a bit of the strategy of Devil May Cry or Bayonetta, where you’re in a constant struggle for position, to pull of a certain combo that leaves you, for that moment, safe.
It’s still a button masher, and if you don’t like any of the other games in the genre (vanilla Dynasty Warriors, Devil Kings, that sort of thing) then there’s no reason to buy it at full price, but if you’ve only played vanilla Dynasty Warriors, try out a demo of the earlier games before you knock it. I wouldn’t have played the original DWG if my brother hadn’t bought it for himself, and I’m glad he did.
That mini-review up there was mostly about Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2.
Whatever, Heat Turkey. Keep on hatin’.
I will say that if they don’t have the option of switching to the original Japanese voices I shan’t be purchasing this. I’m not against dubs, but those Canadian voice actors are so freaking terrible (save for two or three) that they ruin the whole exprience. That and the AI. Anytime I have to play the retard round-up to keep Amuro from hurling himself at the Psycho Gundam until he dies and I lose the damn mission as a result, something is wrong.
But yeah, so long as the AI is better and I never have to hear Camille’s English voice actor again, I’m down.
Oh and the crappy English VA (Not even the ones from the actual dubs) and AI doesn’t help either.
I ain’t hatin. I gave it a try and I’m sure I’ll buy DW:G 3 for about 20 bucks in 2 years.
… look, sorry about the Heat Turkey thing.
I’ve heard of Heat Hawks, but never have I heard of Heat Turkeys.
Is that a new Zeon weapon? What are its ballistic capabilities?
Hmm… I heard they launch turkey shaped bombs…
Obvoiusly they would look silly… its just that Zeon plans to give them the explosive capability rivalling the Hi-Nu’s hyper bazooka.
And it will be a standard Zaku weapon.
Production would be expensive, yes, but they really dont care as long as it gets the job done.
I always thought I was more of a Heat Duck.
The Mobile Armors themselves were poorly thought out, I thought–I liked the idea of them serving as “boss fights” but they don’t balance well with the current difficulty settings, and as you said, the AI just loves to rush in the Psyco Gundam Meat Grinder. It’s not a big deal during most missions, but the few where you need to protect a certain AI pilot–or God forbid, most of them–can easily create Spontaneous Controller Throwing Experiences (SCTEs).
There’s a phenomenal game underneath Dynasty Warriors, and particularly with Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, but I don’t think either Koei or Namco Bandai are interested in seeing it happen. Being able to give orders and make enemy fields critical locations, making a game in the vein of Defense of the Ancients or indie mecha game Liberation Army, would be amazing. As it is, though, it’s just a shallow game that’s good for short bursts, especially with a friend.
I enjoyed the heck out of DW:G2, but it’s hard not to wonder what could’ve been had they taken the game system from the Crimson Sea series.
For those whom haven’t heard, Crimson Sea is pretty much Dynasty Warriors with guns totally integrated into the action. That they decided to go with DW’s melee-focused system despite that will always be puzzling to me.