News: Carnage Heart EXA Update
Posted on : 17-10-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
4Gamer has some very extensive coverage for the upcoming Carnage Heart EXA. Despite the large amount of pictures that show off the suitably intense OKE programming setup, the update also talks a lot about the increased complexity of the chips themselves and how this will (hopefully) create more interesting and capable OKEs. Whilst the chip area won’t be increased over Carnage Heart Portable, the increase in chip number is something that should make the game considerably more intricate and deep. Following on from this will be a SATLOKE service hosted by Artdink – this will allow players to upload and download user created OKE data from their servers (similar to the original Formula World for the original Armored Core Formula Front). Unsurprisingly, this will help the resurgent Carnage Heart community spar with their respective OKEs. Other interesting tidbits of note, are that Artdink aren’t sure whether a download version of the game will be made on release and that they are thinking of DLC content but don’t have any specifics to divulge at present. There’s still no word of a Western release for this but considering Carnage Heart Portable didn’t receive one either, a localised released of EXA is pretty unlikely. That said, Artdink are handling this new game (Not Genki), so we could end up seeing EXA released abroad. In any case, the Japanese release is still on track for the October 28th for 5,880 yen. You can also pre-order the game here.