News: Carnage Heart EXA Released
Posted on : 30-10-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Well, Artdink’s wondrous new Carnage Heart EXA has finally been released. Whilst we’ll be getting a copy we may abstain from a review, on account of the somewhat epic language barrier. That said, if people want a review then by all means say so (as we’d be happy to oblige). To commemorate the release 4Gamer have done a pretty epic breakdown of the game. Don’t forget that you can still also order the boxed version here, though we are cautiously hopeful that a Western publisher may pick up EXA for a digital release.

I’d be thrilled to have a review if possible. The variety of the parts looks amazing and I’d be tempted to import it despite not having a clue what anything meant. Come to think of it I have some PSN points cards I got for Gundam Senki Record UC 0081 I haven’t used…