News: Border Break Airburst update
Posted on : 24-10-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: Arcade
4Gamer has a pretty epic breakdown of the upcoming Border Break Airburst update set for release at the end of November. Whilst Airburst is basically “Ver 2.0” of the original Border Break, the game has a considerable amount of improvements over its precursor. Notably the new dropships that can carry multiple blast runners across a map to invade heavily fortified sections. The dropship even packs some quite notable firepower too, though at the expense of a suitably “shoot the core” weakspot in its rear. We’ve also linked a video of the new dropship setup below, though it kicks in about halfway through in case you’re wondering.

This and Senjou no kizuna are the two biggest 500 yen coin munchers for me. I can’t WAIT for this to get out!