News: Bangai-O HD Released Today
Posted on : 04-05-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
The rather brilliant and much anticipated Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury has hit XBLA today. For only 800 MSP you can spew missiles at teeny enemies to your hearts content. This new game also sports online co-op, which is a pretty cool addition really. In any case, we’re just glad the game is finally out as we loved it at last year’s TGS. Again, if you’re at all curious about the Bangai-O games then make sure to check out our feature on the very subject.
Don’t let the demo scare you away, guys! It’s a seriously awesome game once you uh, actually buy it and get to play the tutorial.
(seriously treasure. I love you, but re: the demo — YOU FUCKED UP. YOU. FUCKED. UP. YOU HAVE FUCKED UP NOW)
Love the fact that they used a few youtube comments in the trailer.
“Not enough missiles.” Some people are never satisfied. But, myself not owning an XBOX 360, I will unfortunately not be playing this game anytime soon, so I played a bit of Spirits on the DS to compensate.