News: Bangai-O HD Release Date
Posted on : 12-04-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
GameWatch has the details that the forthcoming Treasure shooter, Bangai-O HD Missile Fury, will finally be released on May 4th for 800 MSP. The GameWatch piece also has a good number of new screenshots, all of which show the insane number of missiles the game will have. Following on from this is a new(ish) trailer that was released recently, despite the somewhat ill-fitting soundtrack the game is looking as good as when we played it at TGS last year. Don’t forgot we also have a comprehensive feature on the Bangai-O series if you’re at all curious.
This comes just in time!! I have been sitting on the fence of buying a 360, and had recently won one with a Kinect (have yet to collect it though).
Now I can play this (and Radiant Silvergun eventually)!! This is a good month 🙂
Why isn’t this coming out on PSN?! It’s such a shame. I love the original Bangai-O and I still play it regularly on my Dreamcast. I really like the new feature of the concentric circles around the Bangai-O that allow you to tell when enemy projectiles are in your “sweet spot” for the best counterattack. Quick question: does anyone know if you’ll still be able to use the sword attack from Bangai-O Spirits? Not that you’d really need it with all these different weapon types…