News: Bangai-O HD Half Price
Posted on : 24-05-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Xbox 360
As part of the current Deal of the Week, the fantastic Bangai-O HD is now half price (at 400 MSP). We have an enduring love for Treasure’s shooter, as archived here in our feature on the series. So if you haven’t bought the latest game already, then there’s no excuse now. Unlike the other Treasure releases on XBLA, this isn’t a remake of a previous game but an all new one. The reviews, especially in the West, were sadly rather lawltastic as it seemed to be somewhat of a shock to the system for many of them (as it’s obviously very skill based). So ignore them entirely and just buy it now. It’s bloody awesome!

As much as I like it, it just feels a bit off after Spirits on DS. I think my main hurdle was the new EX system where you have to press another button to boost its level at the cost of more bar instead of just fishing for more enemy bullets. I think that made it demand to much player dexterity and bar management after Spirts was so simple yet perfectly functional having just the right amount of depth. Nothing beat that feeling of having your glutes tense up waiting for that perfect moment, deciding if taking a hit or two is worth it for that magnificent payoff.