News: Assault Suit Leynos Port Delayed Until December
Posted on : 02-04-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 4
The upcoming port of the classic MegaDrive shoot-em-up Assault Suit Leynos has had its release delayed until December this year, with a demo apparently available sometime in June. We’ve also been given some new game footage and this time in HD. To be honest, the game doesn’t look all that great but this is Dracue and they did the decent Gunhound games. We’re cautiously hopeful that this game will be good and hopefully the extended development time will help facilitate that.

Huh? If you don’t think that’s decent at least you must have some really high expectations. Regardless, the extra polish time should be good for it. The big concern is if it gets released overseas.
This saddened me too but Id rather wait for a solid game than to have to dl a day one patch thats as big as that actual game….