News: Armored Core Verdict Day Network Test Announced
Posted on : 07-03-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Both 4Gamer and Famitsu are running a piece on network tests for the upcoming Armored Core Verdict Day. For one the site they linked to doesn’t go live until tomorrow and the network test will also only be on the PS3 version of the game. The actual process will be a lottery which you can enter from tomorrow (Friday) onwards until Sunday. There will then be a total of four dates of playtesting; two in April (20th and 27th) and another two in May (4th and 11th). If you’re one of the few to be accepted then you’ll be sent an e-mail as to which playtest you’ll be involved in. The whole purpose of this apparently is to ascertain load on their servers as well as feedback on early gameplay balancing. Pretty standard fare for a closed alpha/beta really.

Must not have much confidence in the sales of the 360 version, if they’re not worried about server load.