News: Armored Core V Tank Screenshots
Posted on : 20-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
The official site for Armored Core V was updated yesterday with two new screenshots showing some of the game’s tank legs on display. Partly due to the reduced size of the ACs themselves, the weapon load-out looks almost disproportionately beefy. Not that we’re complaining, as it makes the new AC’s look suitably kickass. It’s just the more we see of ACV, the more it heralds back to the likes of VOTOMS but in a meaner and tougher sense perhaps. The other screenshot is shown after the jump.

I really love the profile of these new tank ACs. The previous games’ tanks always looked somewhat awkward with the AC sticking too far up and out, but here it seems the Core is modeled to more resemble a turret. I love the idea of tanks legs, but never used them due to the aforementioned awkwardness; I’m looking forward to bringing to bear some massive ranged weaponry on cardboard-armored Moonlight pixies. “Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl.”
Is there OB in this one? I read that a good tactic in the PS2 gen AC games was tank jousting with a grenade launcher.
Actually, people still joust today. Just yesterday I was plasma cannon jousted to death in AC:FA multiplayer, lol.
I’m curious to see how damage mitigation will work, since tanks always had tons of defense.
As far as I know OB is still in this game. One of the old screenshots showed an AC OBing down a rainy city street, and one of the new screens shows an AC with what appear to be two large intakes on the top back section of its Core.
What’s got me worried is that I haven’t seen any back units in these new screens, only what appear to be arm units mounted on the shoulder.
I don’t see any reason for back units not to come back,that flaming chainsaw was back mounted after all.On a related not, who can’t wait for the Kotobukiya kits of these?
IF Kotobukiya gets these. Considering the game is being localized by Bandai, it’s entirely possible that any AC5 kits could be made by them, not that that’s a bad thing. Either way, as long as they’re made, I can’t wait.
I wouldn’t mind if they made a few Master Grades and waterslide decals.
I have my reservations on the very first trailer holding weight. I thought that concept was left for the new one. Perhaps I should say merged with the current direction..