News: Armored Core V still has flaming chainsaws
Posted on : 21-03-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
What with the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, many gaming events were understandably cancelled. With the live demo of Armored Core V being no exception. However, both the official site and Facebook page have had a few little updates. Notably the fact that our friends the flaming chainsaws of doom are still very much present in the game. This, understandably, makes us happy as chainsaws are normally awesome and doubly so when they’re on fire.
There are plans to reschedule the live demo though but what with rolling power cuts affecting most of the Kanto region (which includes Tokyo in case you’re wondering), then things like this do somewhat get put on the backburner. Once we know more we’ll obviously post it here.

yup, I agree, I have watched its video from too, this one is really a big news.
Thats a flaming chainsaw??? *Looks at still*
Yeah, on the right. It’s the same part from the initial AV5 debut trailer from over a year ago.
Is it like a tradition to make sure you can’t see shit on AC stills?
But of course! 😀
I’m lookin at it closer and it looks more like a overcharged gun than a chainsaw. Definately not flaming. 😛
Flaming anything is superior! Thanks for the update.
I want flaming pants!
I’ve been checking the blog and twitter and have seen no mention of flaming chainsaws.On the screenshot itself its hard to tell if thats the same chainsaw weapon from the trailer,some kind of wrist mounted chainsaw,and the massive barrel in the background makes things even more confusing since it can now be a ranged Over Weapon.
The official terminology for the original trailer’s Over Weapon didn’t refer to chainsaws either, despite very obviously being just that. Either way the left arm weapon (on the right of the image) looks a lot like the same weapon.
What I meant was I didn’t see them mention Over Weapons at all as of late,most of the twitter feed is nothing but well wishes and personal updates while the last blog entry was that Technical Support wouldn’t return till Tuesday.I’ve been staring at that screenshot since you posted the 4Gamer preview and I still can decide what the hell is going on.The dialog didn’t help much either.
Come to think of it, the entire chainsaw assembly was mounted to the right side of the AC in the debut trailer while this AC seems to have chainsaws (or something) mounted on the left and right
That doesn’t mean much, this is Armored Core after all and you can equip weapons on various hardpoints. As for over weapons, Nabeshima has talked about them since the re-announcement – so they’re still in the game.
It does mean something because the chainsaw weapon (like certain other back weapons) would take up both back slots since it consists of the blades mounted on the right and a clamping mechanism on the left that connects to the left shoulder when the weapon is activated making what ever the hell is being shown in the screenshot something different.Also, what lead you to believe that they would be removed?
We don’t know that the original chainsaw was dual mounted, as the trailer showed multiple elements transforming to activate the over weapon mode (including the head) – none of which were necessarily exclusively linked to the weapon. As for the over weapons being cut, that’s what your previous comment seemed to insinuate.
I didn’t mean to insinuate that they were gone.You said that they were mentioned on the official page and Facebook but I never saw any particular mention there,they were talked about in the recent interviews though.
The AC below has the same core as the one in the debut trailer:
Heres picture of the original,take a close look at the neck area and notice how the share the same neckguard and dual prongs on each side as well as the general shape of the core. :
As you can see the core in the first screenshot lacks the smokestacks of the debut AC and if you pause the trailer at 0:36 you can see it is also missing quite a few things.I believe that the smokestack assembly visible at 0:42 is the “body” of the Overed Weapon.Anyway the argument of it being dual mounted is moot since back weapons have mysteriously disappear to begin with.
Greg, your posting is freaking out the spam filter for some reason. I’m having to manually approve your comments, I hope you don’t mind.
I didn’t say the flaming chainsaws were mentioned, just that the official site and Facebook site had been updated AND one of the new screenshots showed the flaming over weapons again.
As for the 4gamer shot, it has an entirely different core to the one above. So I’m not sure what you’re referencing here.
I wasn’t trying to compare the 4gamer core to the one above,I was comparing it to the one in the debut trailer.Also, that screenshot wasn’t so new.It too was in the 4Gamer preview.
I just want to make it clear now that I’m not trolling you or anything.
Looks like a bladed weapon on the back right.
the cannon seems to be left arm mounted.
dual over weapons?
wait no, flip that around. Blades in left, cannon in right.
The more I look at it…. It looks like it might be the same as the right handed weapon, just the angle its holding is so different it changes the look. Its definitely looks rounded. I think its dual wielding.
Just noticed this.Pause the debut trailer at 0:52 and you can see the left arm glowing as well as the chainsaws to the right.This could be the chainsaw weapon but I can’t see the smokestacks that should be on the back
New edition to the Dengeki interview.