News: Armored Core V App for Android and iOS
Posted on : 25-01-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Android, iOS
Rather shrewdly, From Software have announced that there will be a support app for Armored Core V on both Android and iOS devices (with the Android app already out). The app will allow players to view the game’s parts list and mull over the complex vagaries of their respective stats. Whilst this doesn’t allow you to customise your AC away from your console as yet, that would be a pretty sweet update. In addition, the app will also feature an RSS feed on things like server status and other player related news. From Software are keen to update the app over the course of the game’s life, so we may get more features as time goes on. It’s also entirely free.

Downloading now…
Is there any way to get this on a North american android phone?
actually i Downloaded the App but i dont know how to make a from soft account 🙁 any tutorials?
actually i Downloaded the App but i dont know how to make a from soft account 🙁 any tutorials?