News: Another Century’s Episode R Site Update
Posted on : 13-04-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
The official Another Century’s Episode R site received its first update today. Whilst featuring most of the content seen already in Famitsu, there are some other interesting points shown. Notably the breakdown on the new environments in the game as well as the reveal that the image song, called Re:birth (which helps shed light on the “R” in the game’s title), is being penned by Acid Black Cherry. The latest blog entry from Terada-san also talks about units like the VF-25F having Super and Armor parts load-outs, which matches the same approach from ACE3 in terms of how the other variable fighters were handled.

The line up is really disappointing but I’m hoping significant gameplay improvements make up for it. The environments look promising.
I dunno about the line-up being bad, there’s a lot of variety there. The reduced number of series was going to be a given though, as they’re having to start with their tech from scratch.