News: Another Century’s Episode Portable Missions Update
Posted on : 02-12-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
The upcoming Another Century’s Episode Portable received some new coverage over at 4Gamer that goes into a fair bit of detail on the new sub-mission objectives, secret units and multi-zone fields. The latter splits missions up into areas, which means in multiplayer different players can deal with these different zones independently. To take an area you need to obliterate it’s defending forces, this is a continuation from the field setup seen in ACE3. Some missions will also have secret units appear once certain criteria are met, defeating these will award the player with more ACE points for upgrading units. The sub-mission objectives are additional but optional objectives that can also award the player more ACE points. Finally, the official site was updated with information on new playable units. Amongst these was the 00 Raiser, which adds to the Exia in terms of the Gundam 00 line-up. Considering the unit is notoriously uber it will be interesting to see how it will be handled. The game is still on track for a 13th January 2011 release and you can pre-order it here.