News: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG Units Update
Posted on : 22-11-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
What with the release of 2nd Super Robot Wars OG next week, 4Gamer have a great piece featuring some of the more classic units in the game. From the mecha seen in the Masoukishin games to the mighty Raioh from Alpha 3 (shown above). Just seeing Raioh again in-game brings back so many fond memories. In addition, there’s a new 14 minute digest movie showing the game in action (linked below). More of a straight playthrough than a swanky trailer, you get to see the game as it is. Don’t forget you can still pre-order your copy here.

One thing that really stands out for me in that video is the loading times (or lack of I should say). This was my biggest concern with the game as we’ve gotten closer to release due to Z2.2 being very slow for me even when installed on to a memory stick. Obviously we’re talking about two very different machines when comparing z2.2 to ogs2 but it was still a potential concern.
I’ve actually been replaying OGS over the last few weeks and I’d gotten a little used to the long load times on that, so seeing it load attack animations so fast is fantastic.
RT @mechadamashii: News: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG Units Update: