News: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG New Rival and Screenshots Update
Posted on : 25-10-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Famitsu has a piece on a new rival in 2nd Super Robot Wars OG. Whilst it looks pretty cool, the name does sound a bit too close to the word “Fabulous” (which is pretty funny really). Bar that there are all manner of new screenshots for some of the combined attacks in the game. This is still scheduled for its November 29th release and you can pre-order you copy here here.

RT @mechadamashii: News: 2nd Super Robot Wars OG New Rival and Screenshots Update:
I’m really liking the new cut ins for the team up attacks (Latooni looks very angry in shot from the start of RHB). It should also be noted that there’s a final PV coming up according to the offical site. I think they said it’ll be out Saturday.
Holy crap they’re using EX’s plot! Masoukishin is getting so much love lately from Banpresto.