News: 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Announced
Posted on : 15-09-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita
Vanillaware have finally announced their new game and it’s called 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. Not only does it look suitably sumptuous, like all their games, but it also features mecha. While not much is known about the game, bar that is set for release on PS4 and PS Vita, we are very curious to see how this title will turn out. Previously Vanillaware has only really done fantasy themed action RPG’s, often with a historical bent. This looks decidedly futuristic and sci-fi with it. The music is also being Hitoshi Sakimoto and thus far has a real Origa vibe to it. The launch trailer is shown below.

Not a fan of the mecha design much.
Yeah. Would rather see something more 90s super robo if they’re going to go school drama route in handling the pilots.