Posted on : 17-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

The upcoming 2nd Super Robot Wars OG has received it’s first promo. Whilst showing some of the very nice CG opening movie, the promo also has a variety of sections from the game itself. The animation, as expected, is incredibly impressive and doubly so as much of it appears to emphasise 3D movement via 2D animation (as in swanky camera pans among other things). Naturally, the final segment is dedicated to The Inspector anime series, that you can buy bundled with the game for crazy money. You pre-order the standard game here though.

Posted on : 13-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Following last week’s leak, the somewhat kiddy Gundam AGE has received its official announcement. From a nice animated promo (shown below) to the news that Level 5 are indeed also helming not only the series’ story but also the game tie-ins (specifically an as yet yet untitled RPG). It seems Bandai have set their money making machine to go up to eleven this time. One of the arcade game tie-ins in particular is rather interesting though. Entitled Gage-ing Battle Base it effectively has kids place their newly built model kits into a reader of some sort that then generates battle stats for them to play with. It’s like Barcode Battlers high fived with the people behind Gunpla Builders. There’s also a card battling game called Gundam Triage on the way too, which will feature all manner of series including the forthcoming Gundam AGE. If we’re brutally honest, whilst we do love Level 5’s output it does feel misplaced here. This is not to say that kid’s in giant real robot mecha can’t be interesting, as Vifam and V Gundam do kinda prove that it can work, but that it’s probably gone too far in this case. The series is expected to start this October.
Update: Seems that Kanetake Ebikawa has done the primary mecha design of the titular Gundam AGE-1. The “mega size” 1/48 scale kit looks pretty cool too.

Posted on : 13-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

4Gamer has a pretty epic promo for Level 5’s imminent Danball Senki. Coming in at over 14 minutes, it’s pretty extensive. Whilst the game is released in Japan this Thursday, there’s still no word on whether this will make the jump abroad. From what we played at last year’s TGS, the game definitely had a lot of promise as well as the production value to back that up.

Posted on : 10-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PC
Posted on : 06-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Following the shorter CG trailer released week for Armored Core V, From Software have followed up with what looks to be the full version (shown below). As with all their CG movie work, it’s very pretty indeed. The daytime shots look really quite splendid too. It’s also interesting to see how gritty they’re pitching the game now. The release date, for Japan at least, has also finally been confirmed for the 20th October.

Posted on : 02-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Posted on : 02-06-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PC

From the incomparable gevurah22, creator of many other LittleBigPlanet mecha creations, has outdone himself yet again with a LittleBigPlanet 2 stage entitled The Gundam Wing Project: Survival Training. The video below shows the Wing Gundam unbelievably well-animated for something put together in a game’s somewhat simplistic editor, and the author is continuing to add content to the stage, including a boss fight against the Wing Gundam’s nemesis, the Tallgeese. The Tallgeese might have a silly name and a silly red hat, but those backpack verniers will make any Gundam come down with a case of thruster envy.

Over at the boxart (and prices!) of both console versions, PS3 and 360, for Armored Core V have finally been displayed. Like the Japanese 360 boxart for Armored Core 4, the latest game isn’t afraid to show how brown our dystopian future will be. That said, we still like it a lot and it’s nicely stylised (despite the colour palette). The subdued approach to showing the mecha in silhouette is also a nice touch and refreshingly subtle. Hopefully, the Western release won’t end up like this eyesore did though.
Separately, the second extended live stream happened and like the first has some pretty excitable presenters. Oh well. Craziness aside, the game is looking even more bloody amazing and the tank legs look awesomely beefy.

Battle Armor Division, a mecha action sidescroller, has been released by developer Crian Soft. As we’ve noted before, Battle Armor Division’s gameplay runs in a similar vein to the classic Assault Suits series, which inspired other recent efforts at recreating the Assaults Suit magic such as Gunhound and Gigantic Army. It’s always a pleasure to see a Western-developed mecha game (European, no less) that’s not afraid to combine elements of both Japanese mecha anime and Western military science fiction, especially when it leads to gritty Real Robot conflicts filling the screen with explosions.
On the official site you can find a demo, and the full game is available via digital distribution for 8.90 Euros (around $12.50). Along with the game, a new trailer has been released, asking: “can you survive at the war in 26° century?” Ah, it just wouldn’t feel like a mecha game without a slightly awkward localization.