Over at Joystiq they have an interview with Vince McMullin, a producer at Stompy Bot. If you remember, this was the studio that was making the new Heavy Gear Assault game for PC. Despite what they term as a crowdfunding “disaster”, though we think that’s a tad melodramatic in terms of analysis, it seems the game is still being made. So much so that we have some alpha build footage available (shown below).
Now this is using Unreal Engine 4 and I don’t want to be overly unkind, as this is an alpha build, but the game looks like total arse. Art fidelity aside, games like Project HON are clearly doing more functionally than this is. Even the already available Armored Core V and Verdict Day are more engaging than what this looks to be like.
We may be jumping the gun a bit but from what we’re seeing, it doesn’t look that great to play. Though we’ll reserve judgement until the game is finally released and hopefully by then they will have pushed the engine a bit more too.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M9imMYbttU]

Following on from the excellent Jigoku-hen released earlier this year, Bandai Namco announced Super Robot Wars Z 3 Tengoku-hen to be released on both PS3 and Vita next April. To accompany this announcement we’ve also been graced with a nice long promo video (shown below). In it we see new series like Gargantia and Gunbuster 2 are now included in the game’s roster but we are still blown away by how crazy nice the Zeta Gundam animations still are. Orguss is also back (as seen above) and that’s just great in and of itself really. The lack of Final Dancouga is somewhat saddening though.
In addition to the main game, for those that buy Tengoku-hen at launch they will also get a separate downloadable sidestory game called Rengoku-hen. This features characters from previous Super Robot Wars Z instalments over 15 unique missions. Most importantly of all, this won’t be available as a separate download at any point.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri5nKaMiq30]

Posted on : 30-11-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

What with the release of Gundam Breaker 2 only a few weeks away now, Bandai have rolled out an extended trailer. This time voiced, very enthusiastically, by Loran Cehack and Gym Ghingham. The video shows off just how big the game will be in terms of the number of mobile suits featured, as well as all the engine optimisations. It’s all looking very good indeed. The game is set for a December 18th release and you can pre-order it here.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnXeSgjUbWI]

Posted on : 30-11-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PC

So the initial announcement of Project HON sorta cherry picked footage for impact and didn’t give much of an overall sense of the game. Well, now we have around 20 minutes of mostly unedited game footage. In it, we see how much this game is like Armored Core V and Verdict Day. Not to mention how it has taken inspiration from classic anime like Gordian, where mecha get into larger mecha in order to power up. In addition to this new footage we’ve also been graced with a video of the game running on a mobile device. Now the game isn’t playable in this form, as it’s meant as a spectator setup only, but it’s technically very impressive to see. The new videos are shown below.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7kKEwvtZa0]
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li6HagITVuI]

Posted on : 24-11-2014 | By : donkey show | In : Videos

Now all the G-Boys from Gundam Wing have been added to the Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost roster with the addition of Gundam Sandrock Kai from the Gundam Wing TV series (if you don’t count the Wing Zero clone with Quatre). As the November roster addition, Quatre’s Gundam comes in as a 2000 cost unit. Its expected arsenal is there with the iconic Heat Shotels, sub-machine, and Maganac Corps as its assists. The Sandrock also employs the Zero System similar to Wing Gundam Zero which prevents it from being locked on for a short amount of time. All that’s left now is the original Wing Gundam to be added… and maybe a Mercurius or Vayaete. Make sure to check out the video below and see Gundam Sandrock Kai in action!
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoLq2RFttT4]

To sweeten the deal for newer players buying Gundam Breaker 2 on release, Bandai have thrown in an incentive. For first time buyers of the game, they will be given a code for the new BG-011B Build Burning Gundam from Gundam Build Fighters Try (shown below). This means players will be able to use this unit’s parts to create their own version, as is the way with the Gundam Breaker games. The game is set for a December 18th release and you can pre-order it here.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMemstK8PQ4]

At the current G-Star 2014 show in Korea, it seems that NCSoft has announced a new mecha TPS game called Project HON. This looks to be quite similar in functionality to Armored Core V and Verdict Day and is also using Unreal Engine 4. Previously, NCSoft has made only fantasy styled MMOs with human scaled characters. They currently have no experience making any form of mecha TPS game but from what we have seen it looks they might be able to pull it off.
Update: Added new footage and modified above text.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL_ox9uyr0c]
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxUPuIQS-WE]
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9NHNttthGw]

We’ve known about Project Nimbus for a good while but have not really been covering it. Partly because most Kickstarters don’t amount to much but also we weren’t sure about it either. However, as of November 5th the game will be available via Early Access on Steam. This will include the first four story chapters among other things. Now we’re not a fan of Early Access on principle, as really games should only be released once they are finished, but we’re happy to see that these guys have managed to get this far. In any case, the game looks to be very much inspired by the likes of Armored Core For Answer and is also aerial based. If you are at all curious then the early access trailer is shown below.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQxITyJbztE]

Posted on : 27-10-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

A good friend by the online name of Zaarock managed to find a new Kagekiyo VR in the 360 port of Virtual On Force. The new unit (shown in the video below) is similar to the “Wind” variant but is instead blindingly fast in close combat. The VR was unlocked via editing a save file and whether this was present in the original arcade release is unclear. He also goes onto state that there are multiple unused characters in the 360 port of Force, with both Ajim and Guerlain being playable and utilizing attacks not seen elsewhere within the game. In any case, we love stuff like this and it only highlights the fact that we need another Virtual On game. The full video is shown below.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAX05bb2Hlc]

Famitsu has a nice little piece on the upcoming Assault Suit Leynos port for PS4, as it was apparently present at this year’s Bit Summit in Kyoto. The main news is that the game’s release has been delayed until May next year and it looks like the game will feature co-op play as well. In addition to this, Dracue released some new gameplay videos yesterday (shown below). If we’re honest, the game doesn’t look very good. Admittedly it’s not as bad as the PS2 Valken port (that was terrible) but for a modern 2D game on PS4 this looks decidedly amateurish.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFZQ2A9MdFc]
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pqc8p4lxLQ]