Posted on : 02-10-2009 | By : Tollmaster | In : News
Hardware: PC

An expansion for the RTS/RPG hybrid game Dawn of War II, titled Chaos Rising, has been announced. The official site, with a few more pretty pictures and such, can be found here.
What we know so far seems to imply the single player campaign is again Space Marine centered, so those hoping for a Dark Crusade style campaign, where every race was playable in single player, might again be out of luck. The only new faction announced (so far) has been Chaos, and I’m sure I’m not the only mecha fan who had their hopes on a Tau or Necron appearance, or at least a playable Ork campaign.
Still, it looks like Relic Entertainment might finally start answering some questions about the Blood Ravens’ hidden origins and the consequences of the events in the first Dawn of War. The last Dawn of War I expansion, Soulstorm, had a total of nine playable factions, so it’s somewhat understandable that they’ve been short on narrative time, but after five installments I feel we’re due some background characterization on everyone’s favourite generic Space Marines.

Posted on : 02-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 02-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

The remake to the classic Thexder, in the form of the PSP update Thexder Neo, has been finally released on the US PSN store for $9.99. We will be posting a review of this in the very near future but in the meantime feel free to watch the trailer that Square Enix were nice enough to upload to their YouTube channel.

Posted on : 01-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 01-10-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 30-09-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

One of the most renowned and influential mecha of all time, that of Tetsujin 28-go, has been given the life size treatment in Kobe. The reason that it’s been erected in Kobe rather than Tokyo is because the creator of the series, Mitsuteru Yokoyama, was born there.
Tetsujin 28-go is also the first real Japanese mecha series, pre-dating the likes of Gundam by almost quarter of a century. Naturally, the series has seen many remakes and sequels over the years, with a new CG film very likely on the way courtesy of Imagi (the same studio behind the upcoming Astro Boy remake).
Personally, my favourite interpretation was the 2004 TV series, as that retained the stylistic overtones from the 50’s and 60’s whilst keeping contemporary production values in terms of the animation. It was also decidedly bleak in terms of the narrative, much more so than the original. The 2004 series also received a video game tie-in (which we’ve reviewed). Interestingly, Tetsujin 28-go has never been featured in a Super Robot Wars game.
Unlike the recent and temporary RX-78-2 Gundam that was in Tokyo, this statue will be a permanent fixture next to Shin-Nagata Station.

Posted on : 29-09-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Over on the Little Big Planet Central forums a poster by the name of “donkey show” is on the way to making a Gundam themed level, along with an Exia-esque mecha. Separately, he’s also done some nice customised Gundam Sackboys, seen above. The video below shows the level in action and it’s pretty impressive.

Posted on : 28-09-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 28-09-2009 | By : Tollmaster | In : News

The Tokyo Game Show brings us another set of hands-on impressions, from Kotaku this time.
There’s not too much in the way of new information, and Kotaku’s impressions take a turn for the negative near the end, but I’d guess some of their complaints could stem from either the playable demo being made easy so as to be more ‘accessible’, or them simply not having enough time to get acquainted with the movement and attack options.
It’s nice to see the wanzers’ rollers making an appearance to speed up the combat and give the player more tactical options. That, along with the previously mentioned on-foot combat will definitely invite comparisons to certain other games, and it looks like the Front Mission Evolved team has their work cut out for them.