Posted on : 14-12-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

After the announcement of the upcoming Transformers game, Activision have followed it up with a debut trailer that doesn’t really show very much to be honest. In addition, it’s pretty obvious that it doesn’t feature gameplay footage either. Still, for those curious about the designs it does show more in terms of the stylistic approach. Narratively, it looks as though the game is set before the Transformers arrival on Earth. This would explain their more angular and generally futuristic aesthetic. Along with the trailer, there is now an official site for the game.

Posted on : 09-12-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 09-12-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 04-12-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

The wonderful and massively popular Gundam networked arcade game Senjou no Kizuna, with its panoramic cockpit, is getting a version update (Rev 2.10 to be exact) on the 9th December. Apart from general balancing the game is receiving new maps and mobile suits, with the former featuring Odessa as well as the Libot colony from Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket. Considering how wonderfully nerdy the whole setup is, the thought of playing that map in a Yutaka Izubuchi designed GM Command gives me goosebumps of glee.
Despite the insane arcade hardware, there is a port of Senjo no Kizuna available (on the PSP to be exact). Whilst it’s pretty solid, as the arcade game only uses a pretty basic board, it does play a tad differently as the panoramic cockpit forces you to look around in the arcade whereas on the PSP the game occurs straight in front of you. In any case, you can buy the port here.

The arcade port Gundam vs Gundam Next Plus is released today in Japan. If you’re thinking of importing the game you can get it here (or here if you’re in Europe). In addition, Bandai Namco are hosting an online questionnaire for the game to take feedback from gamers. There’s still no word on the PlayStation 3 version of the game but this may have been a misunderstanding (as many PSP games can be downloaded via the PlayStation 3’s online store). In any case, considering this is still Gundam’s 30th Anniversary it seems only fitting to finish off with a lovely video of pretty much all the major Gundam’s effectively high fiving for the win. Enjoy!

Posted on : 02-12-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 30-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

The latest column over on the Oratan 5.66 site show the wondrous new HORI TwinSticks in the flesh. Despite the immense size (almost twice that of the Xbox 360 itself) they also look suitably sturdy. Considering the sticks are based off the Real Arcade Pro range, the size and build quality are hardly surprising. Unfortunately, if you didn’t pre-order these sticks then you’re pretty much out of luck as they were literally made to order for the very much eager Japanese fanbase.
Update: 4Gamer has some nice coverage for the release of the sticks as well.

Posted on : 27-11-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News