If you remember those nice people at Dracue, of Gunhound fame, well they are taking the next step by releasing a port of the classic Assault Suit Leynos on PS4. Announced at this year’s BitSummit, this new port will pool on the talents of Toru Yoshida (of VOTOMS fame) and Hyakutaro Tsukumo, who also co-composed the score for Gunhound. This doesn’t look like a simple update to Leynos either, but a full blown functional reboot in the style of Gunhound. Whilst we’re not too happy about that, Gunhound was good and Dracue gets the material they’re riffing off. We can only hope they’ll move onto Valken at some point too. The trailer for the new port is shown below.
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PyoijgijT4]

For those that have been a reader on this site for a while, you’ll remember we talked about Gigantic Army a good while back. Well, due to Nyu Media we now have the game on Steam. Thankfully the developer Astro Port are still involved and it seems to be more of a new means of distributing the game rather than anything else untoward. In any case the game only costs $5.99, so what the hell are you waiting for? Buy this now it’s just fucking great!
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgztPYKHQto]

Posted on : 05-03-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 05-03-2014 | By : donkey show | In : News

Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost has been released in Japanese arcades today. 4gamer has provided a summary of the 14 newly added suits to the third iteration of the Extreme Versus franchise. The units added are Gundam AGE-1, Char’s Zaku II, Gundam (G Mecha), Puru’s Quebeley Mk-II, Perfect Strike Gundam, Gundam Avalanche Exia, Brave Commander Test Type, Gundam Extreme type-II Leos Valiant, ZZ Gundam, Legend Gundam, Hyperion Gundam, Astray Red Frame Kai, Penelope, and Gundam AGE-2. This of course will probably not be the last of the additions as 00 Gundam Seven Sword was teased in the intro as well, on top of promo pics of Shining Gundam and Full Armor Unicorn Gundam. We will update you on new suits as they are confirmed.

Posted on : 27-02-2014 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 26-02-2014 | By : donkey show | In : News
Posted on : 19-02-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 15-02-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 15-02-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Over at this year’s JAEPO, Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost is on full show. After the numerous recent location tests, it seems we’ll be getting the game in arcades here pretty soon. In addition to this, Bandai Namco released the game’s new CG opening movie. Whilst it looks pretty great, gotta love all the Xi and Penelope action, we do question the musical veracity of having auto-tuned metal in the background. For all of Linkin Park’s faults, they do write better music. That aside, it’s also pretty clear that due to Maxi Boost’s lack of newer units that the PS3 port of Full Boost’s DLC is turning into “Attack of the Clones”. Hopefully this will rectify itself once Maxi Boost starts getting more new units. In any case, the new opening movie is shown below. Brace thy ears!
[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtB-r99-iuQ]