Posted on : 03-04-2015 | By : donkey show | In : News

After nearly a year and a half since its release on the PS3, Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost will be getting a Best re-release on May 28th. If you were waiting on a cheaper price point, the game will now sell for 3,800 yen excluding tax. It will also come with the Ex-S Gundam downloadable code which was initially a first print exclusive to the original release of the game. No other DLC will be packaged with it at the moment, so you will have to get those separately. Of course, the online pass will probably be included as well. And if you’re one of the lucky ones to be playing Maxi Boost in Japan, there is also a limited edition Haro HUD, emblem, title, and 100,000 GP points for your Maxi Boost profile. Hopefully we’ll hear of a Maxi Boost port to either the PS3 or possibly PS4 sometime soon.

The upcoming port of the classic MegaDrive shoot-em-up Assault Suit Leynos has had its release delayed until December this year, with a demo apparently available sometime in June. We’ve also been given some new game footage and this time in HD. To be honest, the game doesn’t look all that great but this is Dracue and they did the decent Gunhound games. We’re cautiously hopeful that this game will be good and hopefully the extended development time will help facilitate that.

Posted on : 25-03-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 23-03-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 16-03-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PC

If you’re wondering what happened to Hawken, well Adhesive Games and their publisher Meteor sold the game in a bankruptcy sale to Reloaded Games. This is the same Reloaded Games that picked up APB after it tanked. So while there is a light at the end of the tunnel for Hawken, it definitely looks like a train in this case.
The real shame is that back in 2011, Hawken could have been something amazing. The final game was decent too but the freemium model utterly ruined it. If they had released the game as a singleplayer only XBLA or PSN game, like they planned to originally, then things would have likely turned out for the better. Shifting to a freemium setup with a customisable mecha game, where you paid for parts, was never going to end well.
So here’s to good mecha games ruined by capricious and short sighted publishers. Hopefully Hawken won’t die off quite yet but it could have been so much more.

Filling out the Gundam AGE roster slots this month in Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost comes Gundam AGE-3. Piloted by Kio Asemu, the 2500 cost AGE-3 has the usual mode-shift gimmicks found in the show and can switch from Normal to either its Fortress or Orbital armor for tactical variety. As of now, it seems the Orbital version needs a little nerfing as its beam rifle has hilariously ridiculous tracking. But like anything, Bandai Namco have been very astute in attempting to balance the game on a consistent basis. With this addition, perhaps we will see either the AGE-2 Dark Hound or AGE-FX come in the near future! Until then, check out the release trailer for AGE-3 below.

Posted on : 14-02-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 08-02-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Wonder Festival 2015 Winter has now come to end and it was a good one. Apart from the legion of amazing garage kit figures on show and on sale, the future commercial announcements were decent this time around. The mother of which being Fewture’s transformable EX Gohkin Garland (shown above) from the first Megazone 23. Now we’ve already been graced with toys of this from Yamato back in the day but they all had serious quality issues (the joints often shattered). This will be different though as most EX Gohkins use a lot of diecast and go through rigorous quality assurance. No word on a price or release date but we want this, really quite badly. Apart from the Garland, we had a lot of cool stuff on show from Sentinel and Megahouse. The former had the amazing Metamorforce Dancouga and also showed the prototype Black Wing too, so a Final Dancouga is an option again. The latter showed off the upcoming Orguss toy and it is utterly pristine and will be a definite purchase come its release in March. Arcadia also had a good Macross showing too this year.
If you want to check out some photos then feel free to go here, here, , here, here, here and here. We will also be doing an event report for Forbes in the next few days too, so keep an eye out for that.

In today’s Nintendo Direct, a new video was released for Xenoblade Chronicles X. Aside from confirming it will be released in 2015, the video showcased the scale and variety of the explorable world of Mira where you can traverse it either by foot or by mecha. It also provided a bit more background as to why they’ve crash landed on the foreign planet. Here’s to hoping we get much more new info regarding the types of mecha we can use in the game in future updates. Definitely check it out in video below to see it all in action.

Over at Joystiq they have an interview with Vince McMullin, a producer at Stompy Bot. If you remember, this was the studio that was making the new Heavy Gear Assault game for PC. Despite what they term as a crowdfunding “disaster”, though we think that’s a tad melodramatic in terms of analysis, it seems the game is still being made. So much so that we have some alpha build footage available (shown below).
Now this is using Unreal Engine 4 and I don’t want to be overly unkind, as this is an alpha build, but the game looks like total arse. Art fidelity aside, games like Project HON are clearly doing more functionally than this is. Even the already available Armored Core V and Verdict Day are more engaging than what this looks to be like.
We may be jumping the gun a bit but from what we’re seeing, it doesn’t look that great to play. Though we’ll reserve judgement until the game is finally released and hopefully by then they will have pushed the engine a bit more too.