Posted on : 16-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

GameSetWatch found a nice new promo video for the upcoming Bangai-O HD Missile Fury that’s set for an XBLA release this year. Still no word on the new online multiplayer setup, which is the main cause of the delay in release, but the game is still looking really fun.

According to Variety, some THQ published Voltron games are on the way. These are to coincide with a new animated TV show set for a US release later this year. Voltron is actually the Westernised version of Go Lion, a 70’s super robot show where the mecha combines from five robotic lions (hence the name really). As you’d expect, Go Lion recently made it into Super Robot Wars W on the DS so this isn’t the first time it’s been in games.

Posted on : 15-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Over at 4Gamer there’s some nice new shots of G.rev’s forthcoming shooter Seisou Kouki Strania. In addition, G.rev have released a brand new HD promo video (shown below) which apart from its awesome soundtrack does show the fact that the player will be able to choose the enemy “Vower” campaign too. Still no word on an exact release date, bar sometime this year, but it will be a global launch via XBLA so that’s something at least.

Posted on : 14-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

As the release date for Super Robot Wars Z 2 creeps ever closer, Banpresto have decided to grace high street games shops with what we like to think as the “good shit”. Unlike the previous promo video, which showed pre-rendered CG footage for the game’s intro, this new video is predominantly comprised of actual gameplay footage. Unlike prior SRW promos this does somewhat kick off towards the end, as it does suddenly dawn on you that the likes of Chirico and Kamina can high five for a somewhat epic win. This alone, for us anyway, is worth the price of entry. The full glorious promo video is shown below.

Posted on : 14-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

As posted via Hideo Kojima’s Twitter feed last month at the Yoji Shinkawa Live Art Show, it seems that in addition to the just announced RIOBOT figures, that there will also be a Revoltech version of Jehuty released later this year (shown above). The Revoltech line is known for its dynamic poses, as enabled by a very sturdy joint system, as well as their compact size. This is an interesting situation though, as two separate toy lines converging on a previously dormant series is a bit more than just simple coincidence. It’s no big secret that another Zone of Enders has been in an extended form of pre-production for some time now, do these toys herald something more tangible in the near future? In any case, the Revoltech figure will be available this spring (according to Kojima) or “Q4” according to everyone else. There are even a few places taking pre-orders.
Update: The official Konami site has confirmed the release date for the 15th April.

Posted on : 13-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Over at at the RIOBOT official blog and in amongst some of the recent Wonder Festival 2011 Winter coverage is a teaser that some Zone of the Enders figures are on the way. Specifically, figures from Anubis (or the 2nd Runner as it was known outside of Japan). Whilst we are somewhat unimpressed with the ZOE games as a whole, the production standards and especially Yoji Shinkawa’s amazing mecha designs are something we greatly admire. Considering that none of the mecha have ever been released in toy form, this announcement is wonderful news (doubly so as the RIOBOT line is already renowned for its finesse of sculpt). Whilst there is no specific release date set (bar sometime next year), the three announced figures thus far are Jehuty, Vic Viper and Anubis. Whether Vic Viper will transform remains to be seen but we can but hope.

Posted on : 09-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

Whilst we’re still waiting for an all singing and dancing promo video showing actual gameplay footage for Super Robot Wars Z 2, Banpresto have partially jumped the gun with a short commercial with a few snippets of animation. As you’d expect, it looks rather wondrous and Ichirou Mizuki’s voiceover coupled with Gurren Lagann pwnage is a potent combination indeed.