Posted on : 29-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PC

What with the indie mecha game Hawken getting its film rights optioned, it seems that the multiplayer only game will also have something in the way of a story. The trailer below sets up the premise that the full on mecha combat is the result of an over industrialised colony world pushed to the brink of environmental collapse. All we do know is that it’s still preposterously pretty and that we are very curious to see how it actually plays. Eye candy is one thing but there’s a suspicious lack of hands on previews, considering that the game was announced a while ago now. We’re still cautiously optimistic though and at the very least it will look gorgeous.

Posted on : 24-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

In an update for Gundam Extreme Versus, scheduled for today no less, a classic Zeta Gundam mobile armor will be added to the ranks of the game. Specifically, the PMX-000 Messala piloted by the wonderfully evil Paptimus Scirocco. Whilst being one of our favourite Kazumi Fujita designs, next to the Tyrant Sword, what’s most misleading about this mobile armor is that at first glance it appears to be a mobile suit. It’s only when you see the scale of it (close to 30 metres) that you realise that this puppy is rather large. In addition, you can also call for assistance in the game which manifests itself in the form of a few RX-110 Gabthley units. For more pictures, 4Gamer has a nice breakdown on the new unit and we’ve included a brief video of the mobile armor in action from the anime below.

Posted on : 22-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 22-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

The full size Gundam has gone back to Odaiba, where it was based originally, but has done so in parts. Whilst we visited it in Shizuoka, this new exhibit allows you to see all the parts up close (rather than 18 metres above you). In addition, a nice chap managed to do a new time lapse video of the new setup and we’ve linked it below.

Posted on : 17-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

What with Gamescom under way, Armored Core V has received a new trailer to show off its online setup. Whilst the voice over is a bit stiff, it conveys the premise of the game well. As always, it’s looking very nice indeed. In addition to the video, a selection of new screenshots are also up on the official Facebook page. Here are some additional videos from inside the Gamescom booth.

Posted on : 16-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

The upcoming pseudo-sequel on Kinect to Capcom’s much loved Steel Battalion games received a new trailer today. Despite not looking like actual gameplay, though with Kinect it is sometimes hard to tell, the game engine at least looks pretty decent. That aside, we’re not really feeling it with this new game. As without Junji Okubo’s designs and that huge controller it just doesn’t seem right.

Posted on : 16-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 06-08-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos