News: Steel Battalion Heavy Armor Pre-order Bonus
Posted on : 05-04-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Xbox 360
It seems that if you buy Steel Battalion Heavy Armor’s on its release, you’ll also be graced with a Chrome Blitzer Pack download code that will allow you to customise your VT with new types of camouflage (pictured above). In addition to this, a new video has also been going the rounds. The more we see of the game in action the more we think that this will be pretty disappointing. Parochial narrative jingoism aside, the whole functional setup looks to be horridly unwieldy. Whilst the original games were by no means intuitive, they were far more precise in terms of input (probably to the extent of being too precise). This looks frustratingly vague by comparison. Considering the game’s nascent production problems, we’re not holding out hope for this to be any good.