Finally, after much wait, the greatly anticipated 2nd Super Robot Wars OG has had its release details finally made public. Much of the fan speculation on places like 2ch was that the game would be released at the end of the year. Well, it seems that they were pretty much spot on as the game is slated for a Winter release. This can also mean it may slip to January next year though. This will be the first current generation 2D SRW game and if you’ve forgotten how gorgeous it will look, then take a gander at the lovely HD promo videos below. In short, we can’t wait for this!
[flash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrLAMMA2VkM]
[flash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyjKJvEB5Bc]
Updated: Famitsu now has all the details online too.

Posted on : 30-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: iOS
Posted on : 30-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 30-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Reviews
Posted on : 25-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

At the recent Zone of the Enders event, commemorating the forthcoming release of the HD edition, a new game was announced. This is the same game that’s been in pre-production for years but was held back on the grounds that Konami didn’t think it would make its money back (the first two games barely did and those had far smaller teams than this will need). Now that a veritable cluster fuck of marketing and game releases awaits, it seems that Konami are more keen to take a risk with a new game in the series. Bizarrely, the mecha design has taken a turn for the organic. In many ways the new Jehuty (shown rather gloomily above) is stylistically reminiscent of Takayuki Takeya’s work. Especially when you think of his gruesomely beautiful Lord of Byston Well sculpts. Thankfully, Hideo Kojima posted some better shots of the maquette here, here and here. The really bizarre thing is that the in-game models are actually being scanned off these real world maquettes, which is a pretty big snub to the art team really. The big thing for us though is that the whole pseudo-organic route has been done to death before. What made the original mecha designs so compelling were because nobody had ever designed mecha like that before. This feels a bit dull and safe by comparison. In addition to all this sequel excitement, the HD edition is indeed looking very lovely and a box set edition will also include a BluRay of the Idolo prequel OVA that was released way back with the first game. No word on release date or systems as yet and the game is currently being called the “Enders Project”. However, the HD edition will be finally released this year on October 25th.
Update: 4Gamer now has a nice report of the event.

Posted on : 25-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos

As previously mentioned, the Mamoru Oshii directed live action trailer for Steel Battalion Heavy Armor received its first preview. Naturally this pretty much shows Oshii’s predilection towards gratuitous gun porn. Following on from this there’s now also a rather blandly narrated “how to” trailer on the game. As always this doesn’t fill us with confidence as the game is increasingly looking like a pile of steaming bobbins. Either way, we’ll know for sure come the end of June when the game is finally released.
[flash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIXRpQPDwqQ]
[flash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpfjSfs6kfE]

In a nice new update on May 29th, Gundam Extreme Versus Full Boost will have the suitably villainous CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam added to the playable roster. Due to its Tau drive config, it can only activate its Trans-Am system once. Though we still love the fact that Ribbons Allmark’s voice actor was none other than Tohru Furuya. Basically this chap has been the iconic voice of Amuro Ray in the classic Gundam series, so to have him play the villain in a new Gundam series was really rather delicious. Separately, when Ribbons and Amuro face off in the recent Saisei-hen they have some pretty cool dialogue together too (as it’s the same actor). In any case, the Reborns Gundam was always a potent unit and it’s no surprise that it has the 3000 point cost tag in Full Boost.
[flash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9WEBicemXQ]

Posted on : 21-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Posted on : 18-05-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : News