News: New Gundam Versus Alpha Test Information With Gameplay Mechanics And Roster Update
Posted on : 13-12-2016 | By : donkey show | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 4
After waiting for what felt like ages, Famitsu has featured new gameplay mechanics and an updated roster from the recent Gundam Versus closed alpha test. In terms of gameplay, here are some of the following key additions from the article: Boost Dive, Striker System, and Awakening System.
The Boost Dive allows you to fall to the ground very quickly and is activated by cancelling all of your actions.In the previous EXVS series, some units could fast fall via certain cancel routes known in the community as “amekyans.” Considering the verticality of the VS series and how useful amekyans were in terms of mobility and safety for many units, adding a universal fast fall adds a nice new dynamic to the Gundam VS metagame.
The Striker System allows you to choose units like Balls and GMs to be called upon during matches as assists. In order to use a Striker, you will activate a Striker gauge that fills during the match. It will be interesting to see if the Striker units may perhaps go beyond the fodder type or will use different amounts of Striker gauges depending on the assist.
The Awakening System appears to be another evolution of a staple VS mechanic where players could select either the “Blaze” or “Lightning” Gear. The Blaze Gear is an instantaneous-type awakening that improves your melee tracking. The Lightning Gear is a continuous-type awakening that increases your lock-on ability. What’s interesting are the types of awakenings “instantaneous” and “continuous.” First, it sounds like there will be more Gears within these groupings. Second, the naming peaks curiosity into how the boosts will be granted when they’re activated. Are instantaneous Gears short-lived buffs with higher potency whereas continuous Gears provide more measured increases over a longer period of time?
In terms of new units, the following have entered the fray: Tallgeese, Kyrios, Gouf, Guncannon, and Sinanju. This brings the current total roster to 12 joining RX-78-02, Unicorn, Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt), Barbatos, Wing Zero, and Nu Gundam. As the article will go on sale on December 15, we hope to learn a lot more about the game’s mechanics on top of how they plan to cater the game more towards a global audience.