News: Armored Core Tournament Finals
Posted on : 14-09-2009 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
The recent Armored Core Championship Tournament 2009 Season 1 Finals were held in Tokyo over the weekend. This was for the recent release of Armored Core 3 Portable. There were over 40 participants with only 13 qualifying. The three levels used for the tournaments were “Arena”, “Wasteland” and “Abandoned Factory”. Even Toshifumi “Mr. Armored Core” Nabeshima himself was there for the fans and thanked them cheerfully for their diligence in terms of their mad skillz. The winner was a rifle user, one who manually fired shots (something that was prevalent at the final for the PlayStation 2 version back in 2002). For more info Dengeki has the scoop.