Kotobukiya have recently announced another Border Break kit, this is the Cougar S – a souped variant from Ver 1.5 of the original Cougar with new weapons and parts. As with all Border Break designs it looks bloody amazing and just keeps on hammering home the fact that this game is still only playable in Japan. The kit will retail for around 3,990 yen and be released in November.
I still have the Kotobukiya Cougar kit…fantastic model, and this looks to follow in the same high quality footsteps.
Is it me, or is Kotobukiya seriously challenging Bandai in this arena–in terms of the fact that these kits are comparable to Bandai’s Master Grade kits?
And I do wish BB would make an appearance over here in the US…hell, put a few machines in Dave & Busters, for cryin’ out loud!
Yeah I second that about the Cougar kit -but with the one detraction being the way the hip is assembled. It needs to be glued because of the way the pieces meet. The Frame Arms kits have the same problem.
Other than that these are as nice or nicer than the HG Bandai kits.