News: Custom Saturn TwinSticks
Posted on : 12-01-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Sega Saturn
A chap by the name of “Aaron C.” has made a custom pair of TwinSticks for the Saturn port of Virtual On out of some cookingware and old joysticks. It’s a good piece of modding but the question remains; why the Saturn version? After all, Sega over produced the original TwinSticks and they are consequently readily available. Still, hats off for his initiative and he also states that he might come up with a Saturn/360 controller adapter, so he can use it on the recent XBLA port of Oratan. If you’re at all curious about the Virtual On games, we a have a very thorough feature about the series here on the site. Thanks to Persona for the heads up.
[…] Originally posted here: Mecha Damashii » Blog Archive » News: Custom Saturn TwinSticks […]
Yeah, I think I paid about as much for my two SS sticks as he spent on parts for this project. It is cool though!
I never realised you had a blog Caco’! Anyway, I thought you may be interested in this custom adaptor which I’m buying in order to use my Saturn pads on PS2 with zero input lag.
Relevance to this article? Out of the 7 custom settings one is for the Saturn Virtual On Twin Stick. You can then use a redily available PSX>360/PS3 convertors to use you Saturn Twin Sticks on a current gen system.
Hope that helps