Videos: Gundam Extreme VS Force To Be Digital-Only For Western Release, All Updates & DLC To Be Included
Posted on : 07-06-2016 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation Vita
Gematsu have recently reported the western release of Gundam Extreme VS Force will be digital-only. This comes to us as no surprise considering how late this is coming into the Vita’s life on top of the game’s niche status. Needless to say, if you’ll be wanting a physical copy of an English language version, you’ll have to go hunting for the Asian copy. Another note found in the recent teaser trailer is the fact that all the post launch updates and DLC units will be included right from the get go! No more worrying about missing out on Free Battle, Course Battle, and new units like Extreme Gundam Excellia when the game launches on July 12 next month. Until then, check out the latest teaser trailer below!