Videos: Titanfall 2 Singleplayer and Multiplayer Trailers Released
Posted on : 12-06-2016 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Following the first Titanfall released back in 2014, we now have an all-new and shinier Titanfall 2 on the way later this year. While the first game mostly serviced Xbros, this new game will also be coming out on PS4. The game looks good though and this time around there’s an actual proper singleplayer mode and the new grapple mechanics give me major Lost Planet 2 feels. While the singleplayer mecha setup looks interesting, in terms of narrative, the mecha themselves still look like they handle akin to people in robot suits.
Admittedly, the whole “Titans aren’t mecha” hilarity is probably worth bringing up here but I know that members of Respawn read this humble site and seem to enjoy it, so it’s clear that one guy’s slightly nutty viewpoint on mecha doesn’t represent a whole studio.
If I am brutally honest, while I personally enjoyed the first game, the mecha were dull to play with. This was proven out by the fact that both Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Black Ops III only copied the powered suit parkour from Titanfall and eschewed the mecha. It’s a shame as the Titans looks amazing but I just wish they had been more vehicular in terms of their control, rather than just feel like a slow and heavy dude.
The singleplayer and multiplayer trailers are shown below and Titanfall 2 comes out this October.

I’m glad to hear Titanfall 2 has a single player campaign. I’m pretty much guaranteed to get it day 1 then. I was worried about the original, it looked cool but I hate Call of Duty multiplayer so I didn’t like the idea of buying Titanfall and hating it. Turns out I was wrong to worry. Titanfall was a lot more “casual/noob” friendly than Call of Duty and the Titans themselves played a nice part in that. Yeah “Noobsmasher69” may be way better than me and able to easily kill me, but if I was in a Titan, I could take him out. Plus the bots gave me a way to contribute to my team and I tended to focus my efforts on killing bots over other players.
I hope Titanfall 2 retains this “noob” friendliness and I’ll definitely be interested in the single-player.