Videos: Tallgeese II Added To Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost Roster
Posted on : 09-06-2015 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Hardware: Arcade
Another Wing Gundam TV suit joins the party in Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost with Tallgeese II. Piloted by Treize Kushrenada, the blue version of the Tallgeese siblings is a 2500 cost unit and looks like it takes moves from Tallgeese I from Next Plus and Tallgeese III. It comes equipped with its famous dobergun and a Lady Une-controlled Wing Gundam as an assist. It’s Burst Attack even has Wing Gundam pushing the Tallgeese II out of Libra’s cannon blast, just like in the show. Check out the video below and let us know what you think of this new addition!

I’ve been waiting for this. With Trieze now in Wing has every truly significant character in the rpster now, and Wufei has his great rival too. Exvellent addition in my book. The Wing assist did catch me by surprise though, but its a cool idea.
meh…. just MEH. couldn’t care less, wing isn’t my thing really. btw this pic you used for is absolutely amazing…