Videos: Super Robot Wars Z 3 Tengoku-hen Extended Promo
Posted on : 01-03-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita
Super Robot Wars Z 3 Tengoku-hen received a new promo over the weekend (shown below) and it’s rather marvelous. From showing off new animations and some of the updated game system, it’s all looking rather great. The absence of Final Dancouga is still admittedly disheartening but there’s a lot of good stuff still present and the addition of Rengoku-hen is a pretty big deal if you’ve been playing this series since the first game on PS2. Set for a release at the beginning of April we’ll be picking this up for sure.

They dropped Jupiter… on someone…
They DROPPED Jupiter…
I never watched Aim for the Top 2/Diebuster mind you, and I know it happened there but…
I seriously swear if that’s not a 9999 attack, then Banpresto needs to quit. Cause that’s even more over the top than TTGL (before you argue – TTGL is effectively a giant god damn getter mech on ‘low’ power, Getter Emperor’s more convincing a power house and terrifying, meanwhile these less-than-Arc-Gurren class units last I checked DROP A PLANET ON SOMETHING…)
In the original Aim For the Top they built a gravity bomb OUT OF JUPITER causing a miniature black hole. That beats dropping it on someone any day.
I can’t wait for this game. Only one mouth until I can Double Mugen Punch