Videos: LittleBigPlanet SD Gundam Zaku Assault Trailer
Posted on : 22-03-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Made by a nice chap called gevurah22, it features Char Aznable’s iconic red MS-06S Zaku II along with the English version of Char’s theme tune Char ga Kuru (or “Here comes Char”), which does hurt the ears somewhat. All within the cute confines of Little Big Planet no less. It even features some of the Blue Destiny mobile suits. Anyway, the video of it in action is linked below.

This bloke is my hero. 😮
Wow, that’s really something.
LBP really delivered on it’s promises of creativity.
Sadly I don’t own a PS3.
Also, I really laughed at the Andrew W.K cover for that song.