Videos: Latest Steel Battalion Gameplay Trailer
Posted on : 26-10-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: Xbox 360
A brand new trailer for Steel Battalion Heavy Armor has surfaced, doing its best to emphasise the dual nature of the game’s controls (as in a mixture of pad and Kinect). The trailer does a good job of showing how this stuff looks like in game but until we get our hands on (or floating in the case of Kinect) with the game we’ll reserve judgement on whether it will actually work out or not. If we’re honest we still hanker for a massive and complex controller as per the original Xbox games, but what with the current publisher mandate of assuming that all gamers are fickle useless idiots I doubt we’ll see anything quite that awesome for a long time to come.

What are you talking about? You still need to buy an expensive controller to play this game, its just it has no buttons 😀
Still not impressed by anything that Ive seen with this game, not a good sign for the finished thing.
That’s the point really; Kinect is expensive but lacks that nerd factor of having an actual eject button.
Kienct certainly hasn’t shown the level of precision this game seems to require. Switching from it to a controller might be an issue, especially if your hands have to be free.
From a business perspective this totally makes sense. They don’t want to sell you a unique controller for one game anymore, they want to sell you a controller that will in turn sell you more games down the line.
But god-damnit– huge, impractical, specialized, hardcore controllers with crazy buttons are awesome. Call me old-fashioned, but I want pedals and joysticks and little blinking lights!
Kinect makes this an instant pass unless they have an option for people who dont want kinect to use a regular controller for everything.