Videos: Gundam Unicorn TV Advert
Posted on : 14-02-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3
A short 30 second TV advert for the forthcoming Gundam Unicorn game on PS3 has been released online. It shows much of what was in the gameplay trailer, bar the Delta Gundam now being a total boss. The combat is looking very interesting and dynamic though, so we’re really keen to get our hands on it come its March release. Especially as it sounds like there will be free DLC too, which is a pretty novel move on the part of Bandai Namco. In any case, the video is shown below.

I noticed the DLC tag by some missions for Custom Cast Mode in the full trailer, but to know that at least some of that will be free warms my heart. Also, something I just noticed here of the Unicorn dodging some beam saber slashes after the Delta Gundam scene makes me wonder how exactly that works. Because its starting to look like it was a great idea on my part to pre-order the special edition of this.
The game looks a lot better than in that earlier trailer, it’s like they decided to turn on the shaders or something.