As you’d expect the PS3 version of Gundam Extreme Versus has been shown at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, with a nice promo movie to accompany it. Not only explaining the game’s core mechanics as well as the swanky online battle setup. We’ve included the promo below as well as some on the floor shaky cam footage, just to help with the immersion. December can’t come soon enough!

Pre-ordered it yesterday from YesAsia…
Now the hard part of the wait begins.
The only thing that can make this game more perfect would be english menus, I don’t care about the dialogs!!!
If all the systems are explained in English somewhere, I’d love to give it a shot.
Oh hell, I’d buy it anyways. It would be nice for it to hit the US, regardless.
I want a custom paint option.
I can’t wait until they announce the console exclusive suits.
Heard a rumor about Gunpla Builders being in the game?
Hopefully AGE too? Love me some AGE Spallow/Sparrow.
And Beginning and Forever ofcourse.
Dynames confirmed in the short pv at 1:20
Nice find!
Dynames was already informed for the arcade version.
Nice! I wonder why have both Dynames and Cherudim? I’m sure Dynames is cheaper, but… Maybe this means other lesser version suits will feature, like Wing Gundam, Shining, and Freedom. That would be cool.
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