Toys: Revoltech Anubis
Posted on : 24-01-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 2
Following on from our Revoltech Jehuty (Anubis Version) review, our good friends at HobbyLink Japan have sent us the Revoltech Anubis (from the game of the same name). Now, whilst we aren’t huge fans of the Zone of the Enders series, we’ve always loved the designs that Yoji Shinkawa penned for the games. We’ve also included some game footage at the end of the review.
Unlike the previous two Jehuty figures in the Revoltech line, this is an all new toy. Considering that this is the first ever toy of Anubis, as prior to this point we’ve only had garage kits, this is a bit of a big deal.
Being the primary antagonist of the PS2 Zone of the Enders games, Anubis is first introduced in a terrifying encounter at the end of the first game. Invulnerable to Jehuty’s attacks, all you can do is run away as best you can. If you were to think this terrifying orbital frame was any easier in the sequel, you’d be mistaken. What makes Anubis such an unsettling foe is its ability to teleport anywhere during combat. Admittedly Jehuty receives a similar ability later in the second game, by the name of “Zero Shift”, it still doesn’t assuage the fear this mecha evokes.
As will all Revoltechs, this figure is very poseable and multi-jointed. Whilst it lacks the ability to stand on its own, like the Jehuty figure, as well as lack any other real gimmicks, the sheer imposing nature of the design is still very striking. In the game the structures around the rear of Anubis hover in mid-air, naturally this has been recreated through use of clear plastic to link up the main figure to these “wings”. Subsequently, this affords the opportunity to wrap them around the main figure, almost cocooning it away. As with the Jehuty figure, Anubis also comes with a very serviceable stand.
Toy: Revoltech Anubis
Price: 2,651 yen
Size/Weight: 21.8 x 21.6 x 9.9 cm / 380g
As figures go then, this is not very technically interesting but it is visually very impressive. If you are a fan of the games and appreciate Shinkawa’s designs then you’d be crazy not to pick this up. If only for the fact that all the Zone of the Enders Revoltechs are wonderfully affordable and still very faithful in terms of their sculpt and pose-ability. Having both Jehuty and Anubis on a shelf somewhere also just feels right from a gaming standpoint. Even if you dislike the games, the designwork is still laudable. For that alone, this figure of Anubis comes highly recommended to all.

I really hate Revoltech for making so many awesome figures for the price that I can’t afford to buy. All I can do now is drool.