Kits: HGUC White Dingo GM Sniper II Announced
Posted on : 26-07-2012 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: Arcade, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2
As you know, we’re fans of the lovely Dreamcast game Rise from the Ashes and we especially adore Yutaka Izubuchi’s fantastic design of the RGM-79SP GM Sniper II. We’ve also already reviewed the Robot Damashii toys, both of the classic design and the White Dingo variant. Well it now seems we’ll also be getting a limited release HGUC kit of the latter. It comes with more guns and even a Minovsky tank too. Unfortunately it’s one of those premium Bandai shop items. In any case, the kit is release in September and will cost 1,890 yen.

I have already ordered one from Nippon-Yasan and a normal one from HLJ.
This kit looks fantastic and captures the look of the lineart and the games perfectly.
Now I must start playing the game.