News: Virtual On XBLA and PSN Release Details
Posted on : 31-01-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
A few days ago, SEGA did an online video broadcast talking about the remaining games in their Model 2 Collection (of which the classic Virtual On is one). The important information is that the remaining games will be released on February 13th for 800 yen or 800 MSP a piece. The slightly odd and saddening aspect to this is that, unlike the other games in the collection, these last two games will be released in Japan only. Now it’s not clear whether this just means limited release or that the games will be regioned too. Naturally we’ll know for sure when they’re eventually out in the wild.

RT @mechadamashii: News: Virtual On XBLA and PSN Release Details:
I’m betting that the Japan-only business will only apply to the PS3 version. With very few exceptions, all Xbox Live Arcade games have been released in all regions, and never with any regional delays.
It was probably an executive decision after poor sales of the first three Model 2 Collection games.
Turns out you were wrong, the XBLA version is also Japan only. Neither version is region locked to hardware thankfully though.