News: Virtual On Memorial Event Breakdown
Posted on : 19-09-2013 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Arcade, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Sega Saturn, Xbox 360
Following on from the Virtual On Memorial Event we mentioned, 4Gamer have a nice breakdown piece. Despite the appearance of peeps from Volks and Haseagawa regarding all manner of kits, the interesting stuff came from Mori Yasuhiro (a designer at Sega who worked on both Marz and Oratan, he’s also the guy wearing the Tangram t-shirt in the above picture). Notably that there may be a new Virtual On game surfacing during the series’ 20th Anniversary in 2015. Now, this isn’t the first time this has been said but we do know that since Force there have been multiple attempts at making a new Virtual On game (with Border Break being the unwitting results of one of those attempts). Anyway, we hope that whatever is planned finally sees the light of day (preferably if it’s an arcade game too obviously).